Win or Lose

This is a belated post.Two weeks ago,we had our company’s Family Day.There’s a competition for Bayi Sihat, so .. as a first time mommy, i’m excited to take part as well. And so, when the day comes, i dressed Mia up, nothing fancy, just skirt, a white top with a blue multi colors flowers embroideried.


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No pain No gain

Yesterday, the neighbour gave me a call asking whether im interested to get a body massage from her regular makcik urut since the lady will be coming over to her place later that morning. For rm30 an hour, how could i Not give it a try, and without much hessitation i agreed to get a massage as well.

An hour and a half later, the makcik came over to my house. She’s an indonesian lady, who happen to stay nearby our housing area, which makes it easier for her to came over just by walking. She’s been stayin here since circa 1993.

Since my last urut session, was back during my pantang days, so…im pretty much excited and anxious and also a lil’ nervous of what the outcome might be.By the way she presented herself, she looks like a real strong and wise lady.

My main concern during the session, was my tempat-branak (what does it call uh in english?anyone?) and also my right shoulder (the one that got ‘frozen’ the other day). As she works her ‘magic’ on me, she gave a few comments regarding how twisted! my urat was, from my knee up till my neck and shoulder of coz.

As for the ‘other part’, lets just say ..she work real hard on getting it back to its ‘place’. It was pretty hurtful, lotsa tense goin on..hahaha. Anyhow, i now feel much much better and literally lighter now. After the makcik went back, i spend my sunday, sleeping most of the time.

She advice me to regulary get myself a massage, at least once a month. Okie dokie makcik.For my own health and rm30,why not!! 🙂

Sew Blind


i wish i’m good in sewing..but i’m Not!.i remembered during Kemahiran Hidup (my high school years), we have to come up with a dress, just follow the instruction given. but somehow, mine doesnt turn out like a dress…instead, it was more like a lopsided baju. the dress end up, to be my mom’s kain buruk!

anyhow, what’s the sudden of wanting to sew? well, these days… if you’re good in sewing, we could make pretty pretty things, and get to sell it off in ebay, etsy and for some, in their own blog. and looking at those adorable fabrics online, turns me on!!(this sewing thingy lah!).

i dont intend to be a good tailor and open up a shop, just.. good enough to make simple stuff like baby sling (the online instructions look pretty easy!), bag, or maybe a bib for my Mia.

but then again, do i have the patient to learn. perhaps, attending a sewing class could be a good start?(gawd,sound so makcik2 gitu) oh well, then again, this sewing thingy could be one of those phases hangat-hangat tahi ayam. maybe i’ll just go search and read up… Sewing for Dummie first. and see, how it goes from there.


Best of Grey

I just feel i neeeded to share this lovely lovely scripts/vow with all of you

PRESTON: “Cristina, I could promise to hold you, and to cherish you. I could promise to be there, in sickness and in health. I could say till death do us part. But I won’t. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope. I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady. I’m a heart man. Take ’em apart, put ’em back together, hold them in my hands. I am a heart man. So this, I am sure. You are my partner. My lover. My very best friend. My heart. My heart beats for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you… me.

And like any other GA fan, i too can’t wait what’s install for their next season.
