Night post

There’s a loud bang coming from our apartment floor, momments ago. Send sms to my neighbour, asking whether she heard it, to which she replied, it was coming from her next door neighbour, who.. happen to lock herself out!Pity. But, for heaven sake, does she actually think by banging the door, it work? i doubt it dude. better call the locksmith, save the energy (but not so much on the moolah) . Well, luckly we ( including the kenit too) haven’t slept yet .. so, we don’t really mind, but pity the rest of our neigbour apt.floor who have to endure the noise.

Anyhow, what’s up with us la familie? Well, what i can tell you for sure, ever since Mia got her kaki, the momment she wake up, she’ll stand up and gets herself ‘busy’ walk walk walk, every nook and corners of our house. And oh! she just Loves hanging out in the kitchen and by the balcony’s grill door. Those two places are her top list places MUST go! it just drives me up the wall sometimes, specially if she decided to play on the dirty kitchen’s floor. Unfortunately, we can’t install any safety gate to restrict it, due to the apt design. It’s just impossible. Unless, we asked someone to customade it for us. oh well!

At 15mth-ish, she’s getting more and more chatty! non-stop babbles with us, with our friends and sometimes with strangers. I wonder whether its the genes or.. its a girl thing uh, or it’s just her!haha! Just minutes ago, she played with ted’s ink pen, and i only got to realise it .. when i was wondering why she was being too quite. Lo and behold, she has inked- her fingers!! Nasib, she didn’t drew up her face! or the walls. Yeah, our fault also for leaving the pen around.

Earlier this evening, the milkmonster family came over, just hanging out with us. It wasn’t in the plan, but we sure glad you guys came! eventho’ the weather was raining heavily. Ted took the chance taking pictures of yazid & mia’s together, behind our ‘so-called white studio’. Will post up the picture when it’s ready ya! So stay tune!

Until the next post, toodles!




Oh dear!

Up until now, I still make calls for Mia’s bbsitter during working hours, checking up whether she had her milk, her lunch, did her poo and so on. Sometimes once, sometimes twice. Depends. Yesterday was non exceptional, only different is .. something happened to her. Well, she got into a small fight. Whatelse, berebut toys!

And knowing Mia, once she gets a hold of a toy (or not toy most of the time) , its hard for us to take it away. She’ll scream bloody murder if anyone attempt it! So yesterday, a boy (same age as her) tried grabbing it from her. Of course she refuses to give in. They fought and one end up crying. Who else, my daughter lor. She kena gigit from the boy, ..who also happened to be my friend’s son. I bet Mia cried out loud! as I can see the bruise, of the boy’s teeth marking on her right arm. Boleh tahan juga lah.

The bbsitter was telling me, it seems that the boy has a habit of biting ppl, who gets in his way. And by far, every baby in the house dah kena, and left Mia the only ‘survivor’, until yesterday’s mishap. So.. how do i feel? Seriously, I wasn’t mad nor am I upset. I know sooner or later, this thing bound to happen. Only, i never knew it’ll be at this age.. ingat sometime later in kindergarten ke. Oh well! Kids being kids. I won’t blame the boy, tho’ I Do wish the bbsitter should have handle the situation Before it happened, since the boy has the tendency of biting kids.

At the end of the conversation, I asked,”So did she finally gave in the toy to him?”, to which she replied, ” Not at all! She kept holding it tight!”. In which, quietly i said “That’s My Girl!!”. hehe. Later that night, the boy’s mother gave me a called, with non-stop apologizing to both of us. She felt really ashamed of her son’s behaviour, and of late she has been calling up other kids’ parents as well. Pity her too.

I believe no parent would want her kid to be bullied nor be the bullier. Hope Mia got toughen by this incident.