A little late start for 2015

Overall the year twenty fourteen has been a great year for me & my family. First of all, health wise – specially my three kids were in good health..alhamdulillah, im taking no admission to hospital is a good indication.

Secondly, in October we finally say goodbye to our former apartment and move to our new crib. Location wise it is still within city and amenities is easily accessible. One major thing we all agreed is we got a bigger space for five of us. I’ll say its never too late to move to a new place even when kids have grown up abit..in fact, it has made life somewhat easier as the process of cleaning up, packing and the moving day – we as family were very involved in every step of the way. Admitly, we all do miss our old house as it shared many memorable moments and more so it was our first family house. Kids misses the pool! That’s the only one bit the new place is lack. But we told kids, we can always come back and go for a dip in the pool.Currently, we are refurnish the old pad to make way for rental.

Finally, among the highlight I like to remember in 2015 – my husband & I travel trip to London & Paris (sans kids). It wasn’t in the plan, husband received on a short notice to go Londres for work and asked me to tag along. I was abit reluctant at first to leave the kids as we never be apart that long (2 weeks + trips) and at the furthest place. Anyhow, husband and my mom convinced me they’ll be alright under my parental supervision and long story short – we had our first couple holiday in after 8 years!! The trip reminded us again to be husband & wife , and I’m glad we did make the trip.

In this coming twenty fifteen, my only wish is to continue to become the best wife,mom, daughter and be bless from Allah swt. Ameen.

>> My 2013 #memostatigram

Truth be told, I’m more active on instagram as compared to my other social media. Yes most of time we snap pictures, write a few caption..and bam, its on live feed. Anyhow, I’ve join the statigram hashtag memostatigram (that’s your best ‘likes’ moment in instagram world) . Looks like my youngest baby Mukhriz makes the cut! hehe and boy he’s growing up fasttttttttt..





“People who love to eat are Always the best people”


Weekends inspired me to try out new stuff – like baking! So couple weeks back I managed to bake shepherd pie. It turns out great & yummy if i may say so myself .And for that it was all finish within minutes.


On that day itself, I challenge myself to bake a cake ( too ambitious I say!). A Victoria Sponge cake. A recipe I have been admiring in my frame by frame – baking book. Furthermore the cake itself as the cover book. Of course  meant something – easy? delish? strawberries…yumms!


But luck was not my side. It did not turns out as good as my pie. And I know exactly WHY it went wrong. 1) I accidently over butter-ed it and (2) I was in a rush …we were actually heading out to attend a friend’s dinner, so initially I thought I could still ‘squeeze’ sometime to quickly do this, but in actual fact when u rush things, it will go wrong 😦

However, the taste of the cake was quite alright. Brought it to the office the next day, got a friend tasted it and her comment “pretty good!”. Hokay so I thought why not give it oneeeeee more time. And I did! The following weekend.

Ta-daaaa! Not only it looks inviting (hehe) but tasted heavenly too ( IMHO) 🙂 .

20130208-105147.jpgAnother long weekends is around the corner, lets see IF I’m up for another baking adventure. Until then, have a fabulous weekends, enjoy your precious time with your love ones (as I surely do) and Happy Chinese New Year.


My 2012 sewing projects

Gotta love the iphone and its wonderful apps and I for one is an instagram addict. It has make it easy for me to capture my sewing endeavour by creating my own hashtag (#idoublerasewing).

Anyhow,without further ado presenting by far my 2012 handmade collections 🙂 Some are made for gifts and some are for my kids and myself.



