About Me

Hi, my name is Ira — Welcome!

Its i + double r+ a, and that gives you my name irra. For fun my friend gave me that extra ‘r’ as a nick name. I know what a ridic spelling!HAHA Ah well..

Two kids on the block.

There’s Mia, my girl, my first born who’s turning five years old this Sept 9th, 2011 (sheesh time flies!) and my rumbustious boy Mike (who’s losing his baby fat by the minutes *sob*), who came into our life two years ago, also a September baby, born on Sept 1st,2009. I am bless to have wonderful, silly, stubborn, funny, lovable and awesome kids! Wouldn’t change a world to have this life. Indeed, a proud mommy to two 🙂

Ted ,the husband.Whom I met during our uni years some 12 years ago.Got married in November 2005 and our first honeymoon was to land of smiles and shopping (thats Bangkok for you!).I know a city for honeymoon? us crazy shopper. He’s famous of teasing people and makes silly jokes. Yerp, my funny man, always loooove teasing his wife’s cooking. Ted has great passion with photography as so I for my crafting. He used to blog, but now, too busy caught up with Malay drama(kidding!). Alhamdulillah we survived each others imperfection. xoxo

Together we team up to be double M’s great parents. We love to bring our kids for a swim at our apartment pools, play dates, movies, dining out, book stores and groceries shopping. Our parenting style – we believe in spanking, naughty corner, silent treatment,’what the magic word?’, ‘my house my rules’ but we also believe in lotsa hugs and sloppy kisses. Well, most of the time we are a fun loving mommy and daddy 🙂 . Parenting it’s an often thankless job, kids always testing your level of patience but it is also the most rewarding job in the world. Parenthood, its not a job. It’s an adventure!So lets enjoy and embrace it! ;p

How do I start sewing?
It all started during my first pregnancy. Not sure whether it was the crazy hormone, or I was plain bored and got myself ‘busy’ surfing the WWW.It wasn’t a love at first sight. I remember vividly taking my Kemahiran Hidup (home economic) where we have sewing lesson and I.HATED.IT.For obvious reason I was suck at it. Anyhow long story short, I grew to love sewing as I explore the wonders of the crafty blogs (and who says sewing is for old ladies?!?!) . I befriended a crafty blogger who’s passion in sewing her kid’s clothes. It got me envy (in a good way) to learn the skill. Good thing, blogger turn friend, was very helpful and ever willing to share her sewing tips. Aida Reardon, you got me inspired to learn and I forever thank you! Even though she has stops writting, but she still actively sew for her family. She’s on my FB so thats how we’re still connected (this is the only reason I still have my FB account, to stay in touch)

Well, as the interest grew, I decided its time to take a proper lesson. Got myself signed-up a two day sewing course from another blogger (who now turns to be a dear friend – Hello Tini!*waves*). My first lesson was how to sew a baju kurung. Sadly to say that what the first and the last time I sew my own baju kurung (sorry tini!) It’s not you, it’s ME!(hehehe). Back then my preference was more into making bags and simple cute clothing for my baby girl. In all honesty, I truly learned alot from her. The right way, not the anything goes (asal boleh) hehehe

I also did some reading both online and offline materials. And when I finally have the confident I brave myself and purchase my very own sewing machine. It’s a Singer 7464 (and it still rock my socks!).Gotta love the mean machine.

And so the journey begin.

Hmm..just did a rough count, gosh, almost 4 years and am still loving this hobby. 🙂 So all was not waste after all.

So what’s next?

Whenever time permits I love to sell my own handmade stuff. Because I have a day job, that has got to be my priority.My first sale was a handmade roll-up chalk mat. The idea came when I made the chalk mat for my daughter’s 3rd birthday party for kids party favors.Didn’t realize I got couple of emails and feedbacks when I first blogged it [1][2]. I’m a HUGE fan with chalk. Check out my chalk obsession at my Pinterest board to believe it. ;p

Wow..didnt expect to write this long.

If you’ve reach here, thanks for reading 🙂

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